The engine the car was built around, by a skillful veteran Top Fuel campaigner, was a blown Keith Black engine pulled from his previous Nostalgia Top Fuel car, which was disclosed and pictured in all For Sale ads. The car is very well built and very stout by an expert builder, and was certified to 8.50. The rear engine plate went with it, so it would be very easy to center and align the new engine to that, using the old plate as a template to center and line up a plate for an FE. The mounting tabs were still on the frame in the front, so it should be pretty easy to do the front using either a plate or a boat mount on a truck or boat front cover, once the engine is lined up by the rear plate. This car was very well set up by a veteran crew, so the less it is changed (IMHO) the better it will be. Hardest part would be the headers, the hard work has been done. I have been in the shop with this bunch while they completed the new car, the Fuel Altered that received the Keith Black engine, and went to Sacramento to watch them shake it down- good veteran Top Fuel crew that has worked together for many years- fun to watch them work