The point Brent made about the raised rocker stand height on the TFS heads is a valid one. The rocker stand bolt holes on the Edelbrock heads is very shallow, and there are numerous stories of people puling those few threads out of the head castings, often causing valvetrain damage in the process. It is great that the BBM heads are currently available, a couple of years ago, I was trying to purchase a pair of BBM heads, but despite waiting almost a year, there were none to be found. Luckily, I was able to find a pair of TFS heads, and although I have to change out the valve springs, since the only heads that I was able to find were hydraulic roller psec springs, which were too stiff for my flat tappet cam and lifters, but at least I did get a set. I am using a set of ISKY iron adjustable rocker arms, with the POP rocker stands and end supports, which I bought from Brent, which he had machined .220" shorter, to meet my needs. Even when I bought my TFS heads, they were in short supply, and had been on back order for quite some time, so I got lucky. Now that the BBM heads are available, if I was looking for some aluminum FE heads, I would jump on the BBM heads ASAP. You never know if the supply of BBM heads will dry up again in the near future. As they say, a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, and everything that I have heard about all the FE parts made by BBM is top notch.