The BBM heads are cast in South Korea in a state-of-the-art foundry, as are the blocks. BBM is a US based company. All design, engineering, and testing is done in the USA, and all final machining, cnc porting, blending, etc. is done in the USA. The seats and guides are also made in the USA. Quite different from the Chinese knockoff situation. The South Koreans are also our friends, aligned with the USA. I am a person who supports US manufacturing of all kinds, but casting here has become hard to do. I had a conversation with Bill Mitchell at PRI and casting here has become very difficult.
The quality of the BBM castings is top notch, and happening. Right now I have about 300 BBM heads. I use and support Edelbrock also. They have made me 30 Pro Port castings in the last year. For me, it is hard to argue against the BBM unless we are really moving the ports. For raised and relocated ports and chambers, I use the Ed Pro Port castings. For “off the shelf” available heads, the BBM heads are the best heads, and they are available. I have two guys working five days a week on BBM heads as a separate operation from everything else we do. The only thing that isn’t done in the States is the casting and initial machine work. Sadly, I couldn’t get 450 good castings poured in the USA in a nine month period of time the way things are now. When Doug ran out of the old castings, we redesigned the ports and chamber, and the port and water jacket cores had to be changed, which is a big deal, but they got it done. A 50/50 US-Korea head is 1000% better for the USA and the FE community than no heads, or 100% Chinese heads.