Thanks for all the feedback thus far.
Not sure I can run a Taurus fan, oh the stories I could tell about my 94 taurus wagon!

While I do not recall specifics on the aluminum radiator I bought it was a good one at the time from what I remember.
I just don't think I am pulling much air, fan blades are ~1" back from the rad. face and it has to pull through radiator and condensor, and even the oil cooler for part of it and like I said shroud is a home brew not sealed well to the fan blades.
More questions:
1. Do you guys typically run 2 smaller fans (as large as will fit) or 1 as large as will fit?
2. Do you use one of those temp. sense switches, on at say 185, off at 175?
3. Scott throws caution at running an electric fan only, others thoughts on this if quality of all components is good?
(i can imagine I would install an overide switch to run full time in case of controls failure)
Back to the Taurus, once had the Ford regional customer rep. tell me that the reason the electric window motors died and windows stopped working (motors/gear box got wet) at 3.1 years old (out of warranty) was because I did not take it to a dealer for routine maintenance. That must have been why the trans started slipping at 3.6 years of age and under 61000 miles (out of warranty) and why the head gaskets went by 90k miles. Did I mention the rear tires wore very excessively due to alignment issue right from the factory? Maybe I'm confusing that with my 2000 era ford trucks that used to eat coil packs, blew spark plugs, head gaskets, and trans as well. Why I bought more Fords back then I'll never know.
Thanks all for any additonal feedback provided! Happy winter.