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Messages - machoneman

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Think I'd still pull the entire engine down. Too much debris for my liking.

Ah! Just think how much better it would be if a few left for Yellow Bullet's forum.

Hey, I want to see it and if it's o.k. with Jay......its fine with me.

Really odd Heo that much rust had formed. Even junkyard engines, 20+ years sitting outside in cold suburban Chicago winters, never had such damage. I do wonder if she or someone else rebuilt the engine.

Point being: was a shop's negligence or a bait and switch deal the real cause? Btw, true that had it been run, oil spray on the internals may have prevented all or some of that rust. I'll add that parking your daily driver in a heated garage after running through road salt all Winter long is known to be asking for rust trouble under the car. Best bet is to wash the underside but that's not really possible on your driveway when it's below freezing. 

Due to the design of the FE intake/head (open areas to the lifter bosses) one can grab a squirt can oiler and hit the lifters and lobes as well before fire up. Still need to spin over the oil pump as noted. I'd not remove the intake.

FE Technical Forum / Re: Need to quiet down our 484 FE...
« on: April 10, 2024, 09:03:43 AM »
None of this makes sense to me. I've had slip joint headers that showed the black marks from exhaust exiting between the joints....never smelled anything, or heard leaks. IF there was anything to hear, it was only at full throttle, where I couldn't hear it anyway over the carb and/or exhaust note. I most definitely never smelled like exhaust from driving, or smelled it at all for that matter.

I agree as it doesn't make any sense to me either. Something under the car must be missing, like a shifter boot, or holes in the floor pan are allowing the smell in. Maybe firewall gaps yet airflow should not allow it. Maybe test the cowl by using some blue painter's tape to seal it off 100% as see if that makes any difference.

FE Technical Forum / Re: valve float @5000
« on: April 01, 2024, 04:41:21 PM »
Hey, Bill! Can you repost a few of your SOHC spring vids again? They were so cool and with the passage of time, I'll venture newer members never saw them.

Sure!  Give me a couple of days to get some family out of town and then dig the videos up.

Great! I'm sure many will enjoy!

FE Technical Forum / Re: Turning Solid Drag Rotors?
« on: March 30, 2024, 03:18:50 PM »
Yeah, I wondered about that too. Seems metal does have a memory down into the grain structure. Still, for a drag only car, it may add a 'free' season or so of running. I'd check them closely though each weekend.

FE Technical Forum / Re: valve float @5000
« on: March 30, 2024, 03:16:31 PM »
Hey, Bill! Can you repost a few of your SOHC spring vids again? They were so cool and with the passage of time, I'll venture newer members never saw them.

Agree with all your points Ross but one sticks out to me. Sticky lifter bores. Having done long ago a number of in-car cam swaps, we noticed that the removed lifters had deposits on the lower (cam side) ends. Taking out the lifters showed similar crud inside the bores, hard to remove even with determined cleaning. We noted that some of the new lifters had trouble spinning in the bores. We went back in with lacquer thinner, acetone and even gasoline until the lifters spun easily.

Yes, if they can't spin, the lobes will go flat in a hurry. 

FE Technical Forum / Re: piston skirt clearance
« on: March 18, 2024, 06:47:36 PM »
My old 390 built in the 80's has/had the TRW 2292F 0.030" pistons.
The skirt clearance was 0.009"
Ran that way for many, many hard run miles.
Had 5.14 traction lock rear - saw plenty of rpm on a daily basis - was my daily driver through university.
The 390 sat on an engine stand for 25 years - took it apart last year. The piston skirts look brand new!

Had to laugh at your .009 clearance. Long ago, a now former T.A.D. racer ran .010 in his blown Donovan 417 blocked Hemi. I questioned why so big and he said anything less would backside the piston. This btw before the Teflon buttons went in the skirts. He had boxes and boxes of damaged pistons in his trailer too, ready to be sorted out someday for a few reusable ones.

Non-FE Discussion Forum / Re: Calliope Engine Project
« on: March 13, 2024, 10:05:41 AM »
A very cool project and I feel fortunate to be on this list where I get to observe the progress and technical details.   

I wonder when - not if for sure - we'll get to the level where we could 3D print cylinder heads in aluminum, then heat treat to the required level, then off to machining.  The equipment cost is going to preclude that for a while I'm sure.  My work has a small 3D metal printer with a build envelop of 125mm ^ 3 and the est. cost is around $500,000.   Could maybe print a cylinder head for a 110CC quad  ;D

Maybe heads for model airplane engines? R/C boat engines? LOL, but man this new technology ain't cheap now is it?

Non-FE Discussion Forum / Re: full spool
« on: March 11, 2024, 05:07:17 PM »
so it is normal to hear some noise while turning sharp? when going straight it seems to ride better and stays very straight when you go faster.

Yes, as others here noted, it is normal. Long ago (!) we had to jimmy our '69 all drag racer off trailer and make a 90 degree turn into the garage we rented. This in a narrow Chicago alley. Yikes, if we got back from the races late (engine noise) or the car broke, we had to push that 3,200 lb. car into that tight turn. Took a real effort too. Had we swapped out the 11.5" wide slicks to a really narrow street tire, it would have been a lot easier.   

Non-FE Discussion Forum / Re: race gas
« on: March 04, 2024, 09:09:56 AM »
Needle n seat assembly most likely stuck, clogged or leaking by the o ring .

Fekbmax nailed it. Replace all the needle/seat assemblies or get Holley o-rings. Do not use hardware store o-rings as few have the exact size or material. What happens is with age and exposure to gasoline, the rings harden and in doing so, shrink. Gas passes right by the now hard and often cracked rings, flooding the carb's well or even passing gas over the top of the fuel bowl.

Non-FE Discussion Forum / Re: 351 C valve seat and diameter question
« on: February 05, 2024, 07:00:48 AM »
Vintage road race you say. Typically, a larger valve may work to cut low end torque if not hp. Depending on the tracks you run at, if they do not have tight, slow corners where low end power is king, then the larger valve would not hurt cornering power.

Btw, tell us about the car and post some pics. We really don't often get road race engine questions here.

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