FE Power Forums > FE Power Forums Information, Rules, and Announcements - Please Read

My apologies to the folks waiting for membership approval...


Once again I have been wrestling some with forum issues, and this has led to delays in approval of membership applications.  Sorry for the problems.  They may be resolved now, but I'm not sure.  In any case, if you have to wait more than a few days for  membership approval, please email me at jayb@fepower.net to let me know.  Thanks for your patience - Jay

One other note on this, the forum software is not informing me of new member applications anymore, so I have to go into the admin page and check for them.  A lot of times I don't get to this for several days, so if you have applied for membership and haven't received a response for a few days, please feel free to email me at jayb@fepower.net to let me know.  Thanks!


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