Author Topic: Sharing In The Fun  (Read 1638 times)

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Sharing In The Fun
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:16:15 PM »
So, one day the news mentions a tornado had ripped through a Texas trailer park and killed x number of people. Properly horrified, I had no clue why people would hang around a campground with a tornado bearing down on them. I mentioned this to someone at school, who informed me that it was not a campground, but that people actually lived in structures that were towed in and fixed to the ground semi-permanently, and that the victims of the tornado were hunkered down at home hoping they made it.

What does a tornado in Texas, a hurricane in Florida, and a divorce in Georgia have in common?

someone's fixin to lose a trailer.
Y'all (you all, plural or more) don't get out much do you?

Spring 2005 I stopped to eat at this place near Augusta Maine where Metallica was on the Juke Box. The owner was looking at my Texas truck and trailer and comes over asking me if I wanted to hear something else. I knew this was a transparent atemp at a joke so I let him have his spill. As I ate I asked him if he had heard Pantera. Indignantly he responed with a couple of tracts and a concert he went to ect "I thought all you guys had was country". I told him "there from Arlington Texas, you should get out and see more of the country". He was no longer curious about this dumb redneck.

It is fair to say I only ran into less than a half dozen jerks my two + years hauling across 47 of the states and Mexico. Every once in a while I will come across a local good ole boy who never left the state and I will dispel rumors of northern pricks and rude yankies and assure him they are easy to handle.

Compared to some of you my life experience is limited. Anyone here walked on the moon?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 08:11:37 AM by chris401 »


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Re: Sharing In The Fun
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2017, 07:37:19 AM »
When I was a kid in the 60's, my Dad drove tractor-trailers.  He went from New England south to Florida, and as far west as the Rockies.  I would go with him sometimes over school vacations and in the summer.  Lots of different accents and phrases at the diners and truck stops! LOL!  Though, back then, truckers really were their own group.  If you broke down and were parked alongside the road, in most cases the first truck that came along would stop to help you out.  And you did the same, even if it was just to give him a ride to the next town/truck stop/exit.
In 2001, I went to work overseas in Bosnia for the UN.  That was my first exposure to "international" English.  Let's just say I had no idea how many different versions of English there actually are. ;D.   


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Re: Sharing In The Fun
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2017, 01:59:26 PM »
Some still stop to help. On a divided Utah highway one night a trucker and I were running fast down hill to make the next when I lost a trailer tire. When he heard it blow he got in behind me and held a flashlight while I changed the tire. I didn't turn my back on him but I did offer him a Gatorade.