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Topics - YoungOne

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FE Technical Forum / Machine shop around Seattle.
« on: May 13, 2015, 01:59:14 PM »
OK, thought the Company was sending me home to Portland, Or. but that changed to Seattle, Wa. so can any one tell me of a good machine shop in the area?


FE Technical Forum / New Iron FE Heads
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:10:48 AM »
Allow me to to introduce myself. As my moniker says and I am willing to except, I do not have the years of knowledge or experience as Mr. Brown, Mr. Patrick, or any where the renowned Mr. Robotnick. ( I know I can lay it on a little thick) To be honest my experience with the the FE engine family is limited to only 4 in over 30 years how ever each one was instrumental to the joyous perversion of my soul. (getting thick again.) The latest incarnation is a nicely built 397 under the hood of my old mule,(GURDY) and as I sit here, it is a worry to me that some day, whilst under the influence of octane something horrible will happen causing the 54 year old castings to let go and my MAGNIFICENT BEAST will sit idle once again. That, is quite honestly, something to hard to bare. She is my elation and a tie to my youth, back to days when, what ever it was melted as the miles rolled. To go with out her company is something that I have done once, for ten long years she sat, never judging or condemning me for the time it took for her to run again and she shall never again sit helpless. (I wax poetically when it come to her, my wife and kids the rest of the world be damned.) So to protect the 700 purchase price some 22 years ago I would like to see, please, a new set of IRON FE heads.

Why iron? You ask when there are more then a few choices available in aluminum. Why the Edlebrocks are only 1660 from JEG's assembled, or 2500 from Mr Robotnick who dose them right, or better yet his fine casting also at 2500. Inevitably there will be a reference to BBM's at around 2250-2500 as well so what is my problem? OK, here is my problem, I and I believe a large majority of FE builders are in the same boat. I can not just come up with 2500 like that, and, when I get close something happens I.E, roof, water heater, furnace, braces etc. etc. etc. So I run ported C1AE-A's 2.09/1.65 and if Stan Weiss' web page can be trusted, and I believe it can, my little pieces of crap don't do that bad at all. I simply run a little tighter lash on the exhaust side of my 270s and pray I don't suck a valve. So how did I come up with the 2500 to build the C1's? Simple, I didn't, it was more like 50 bucks for the pair at the local U, Pull It. 250 for valves springs and retainers from DSC (Dennis is hard to get a hold of some times but a good guy none the less) and if I could have swung the 500 for CJ heads I would have done that, but I believed I could do as good or better then CJs with a little porting so 800 later for the rebuild and porting on the heads. I traded work for the balance at the machine shop as well 4 sets of other FE heads I had pulled over the years. That I believe is same boat many are in but they either don't have a friend in a machine shop, or a skill they can barter, making getting a good set of heads a lot harder then most think let a lone a stroker kit. Were happy with a 3U crank and C7 rods Probe slugs and C6's C1's C4's or whatever we can get our hands on to put on top. Then we are told. "Should a run Edels cus cost is the same and there better" Better, really? When honest flow benches show they don't flow with enough improvement to make them worth it unless there seriously tweaked and that adds to the coast.

Well why do you think you could afford a set of new Iron heads you might ask. Well if we look at the small block Ford that has been out of production for more then a decade you would find 3 different manufacturers who offer both Aluminum and iron with the iron being much less expensive, nearly 300 less per head, even though the work to make a casting is close to the same. Now you will say the market has enough options and to many more would just flood it. Then why is there Edelbrock, RHS, Dart, World, Brodix, Trickflow, Avenger, AFR, as well those I cant think of casting heads for a dead platform? Because competition brings out the best, that's why a 331 windsor can make 500hp with little more then heads and a cam and we will not talk about the "C" engines. Then you might say there is no real market because most guys want the weight savings of aluminum in there cars. OK point taken, but the last car to get an FE was around 71 and for 5 more years they still ran in the F series truck, so a larger market is in the trucks then in cars and those of us with trucks don't care about 50 more pounds so long as they run.

So here is my idea, and, after all this, pleas, consider it before you call me a fool. Why cant we take the C6 as a platform and go from there, as it has been shown that with stock small bore valve location they can move air when done right. Then put the intake into the hands of Mr. Patrick, the exhaust can go over to Mr. Colvert. Then the piece de resistance put Mr. Robotnic's Chamber in it to tie it all together and bring the timing down. Cast them for the 2.04/1.55 with room to go out to 2.15/1.65. Hold on you say it should have the capacity for 2.2 intake. Well again I do have reasons. The first is they are not meant to be flat out 4.13+ bore size race heads just hipo 4.08 bore heads. Second to get the 2.20 intake in you have to mess around with valve center lines making it a possibility that the cylinder wall could cause valve shrouding, I am sure some one will point out how wrong I am but, 2.15 will fit in the C6 heads along with 1.65 exhaust and the actual curtain area (circumference times lift) difference between the 2.15 and the 2.2 is 97 percent that is not a significant loss. If they were built with a focus on low to mid lift around .650 lift velocity improvements would be significant allowing for a 3.78 stroke engine build even more torque and that is what makes the world go around. Shop out the casting to one of the above listed iron casters I truly don't think you would have to work to hard to prove a market share. Put them out at 550 each bare, don't even offer them built just raw at jobber cost. Mr. Robotnick the biggest complaint that I see about your head is they are in a constant state of back order, one would have to consider what could happen when these hit the market, I doubt they would effect your market share to the negative as I explain below and at the same time your market share would open up with this new product. For me it might take time but 550 I could come up with, while most could do it easier then myself and that would be great because once the word got out they would move. I wouldn't care if the serial numbers didn't match as long as I could set the timing at 36 and get more juice out the old girl and not have to worry that I was going to blow a gasket or suck a valve or wonder where is the next place I can get 105 high led to mix with the 91 in the tank. Finally what would happen to the aluminum head market would it hurt it or help it again I think it would help it for 3 reasons.

One, the very reason why  there are still iron heads for Ford, Chrysler and "C" is for the younger guys to get started on and after they get as far as they can go aluminum is the next logical step think of them as gateway heads to a more hard core addiction. Two, the non stroker crowd for example a friend inherited a 1969 f100 swb from his grandfather on his passing. When the engine needed to be rebuilt the heads, some C8's were wore out now yes he did just go and get a used set of D2,s from the wrecking yard but only after getting sticker shock on the Edlebrock heads had there been an option of these heads closer to 1500 out the door he would have jumped. Three those of us who get it. My final example is me a friend with a very nasty 8- second nova running an alcohol injected 410 sprint car engine, all ways asks me. Why did I build and FE when I could have built a 514 for less and got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more? My reply. "Its like getting seven the hard way you earn every inch and no one can say didn't earn it

There I explained the best I could my reasoning and I lay my request at your feet. Perhaps it is to great, but, if just one other youngone could experience the feel of a "cammed" 390  with a set of these heads as she roared down some back road some where on some sunny day how could you beat that. (Do you remember?) 

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