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Topics - cgmach1

Pages: [1]
FE Technical Forum / 650 HP 445?
« on: April 13, 2013, 12:18:45 PM »
Do you guys think this is possible?  I would like to build this for a bracket car and get away from spending big money for a wore out 428 or 427 block, not to mention finding these in the first place.  If this seems possible, what would the block mods have to be? Cross bolted mains, etc?  Solid roller cam and head work without going to raised exhaust ports?  Any ideas from you guys?  Trying to avoid going to a 385 Series; it just doesn't look right in a 70 Fastback.

FE Technical Forum / Coolent Temp for Bracket Racing
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:23:43 PM »
Jay or anyone else here that bracket races, what temp do you guys like to stage the car at?  160, 180?  I've been staging at around 160 but I'm not sure if that is the best temp horsepower wise and for engine longevity.  Also, what do you use for temp control?  Stat or just restrict the flow some?

FE Technical Forum / Cracked 428 Cylinder
« on: September 17, 2012, 04:12:06 PM »
  Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and looking for your opinion on my 428 block.  I use it for bracket racing only and have had problems with #1 cylinder cracking;twice now. The first crack happened after approx 85 runs and was sleeved with a 3/32 sleeve that didn't go through to water.  Got 25 more runs before it cracked again in the same spot; 7 oclock position about three inches long down the bore.  It is 4.165 bore, 4.125 stroke with probe pistons, Barry R's stage X heads with one of his solid rollers.  Is this block worth sleeving again with a .125 sleeve, filling the block to the water pump holes and cross bolting or is this block had enough?  Also would extra length on the piston skirt help with the side load on the cylinders?  The probes have a shorter length skirt then Diamonds pistons do.  Thanks for the help.

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