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Messages - westcoastgalaxie

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Yes, please do. Whatever it takes, I will wait patiently. If I was closer I would offer up grunt work to help out. I have wondered the same thing "what is a 390 good to with low rpms and a lot of boost?" I have dreams of building up my 64 comet and using turbo'd low buck 390's.

About the block layout, good to know. If Shoe was around I would ask him for more detail. I wonder if the casting is too thin in the critical areas that the twisting motion shows up as the first failure mode.

So maybe someone can answer this one for me. All I know is FE's are 5.0's and most other platforms, call it the norm, that the opposing cylinders are offset? Take a look at a FE from the bottom and notice how the cylinders across from each other are offset. I was told that this is where a FE falls short. That this offset creates a twisting force in the block. This is what causes a FE to split up the mains.

FE Technical Forum / Re: Low Buck Torque Wrench Calibration
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:01:12 PM »
Jay take a look at the data sheet or owners manual that came with the wrench if you can find it. Most torque wrenchs lose accuracy at the lower and upper ends. Most torque wrenches accuracy is around +/- 4-6%, however they go up to +/- 10-15% at the upper and lower 10-15% range of the scale. So depending on the wrench you may be way off when using the lowest or highest settings. Here at work we aim to use our wrenches in the midrange for the best accuracy. This of course all depends on the manufacture of the wrench and what they specify.

FE Technical Forum / +2
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:21:26 PM »
Ive used them before and will continue to use them. Great customer service and quality. I would call them and ask to talk to Ken. Be prepared to have all of the details for your ride, tranny, rear gears, etc. He knows FE's well.

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